Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

Thirty-First Year - Number 167
Marlin, Texas, Saturday, November 14, 1931


Five Highest Ranking Club Members
to Represent County at
State Fair.

       Officers for 1932 elected by the Falls County Girls 4-H Council at its regular November meeting in Marlin were Finnie Wooten of Cedar Springs, chairman:  Dorothea Hoel(scher) of Travis, vice chairman; Hazel (--)sbell of Satin, secretary-treasurer.
       (Missing) five highest ranking 4-H club (missing) will be eligible to represent Falls county at the state fair in Dallas next year.  In order to help the girls know how to enter the race, the sponsors made out a score card to be used as the basis for determining the higest ranking girls.
       Enrolling in all three demonstrations, five points; attendance at club meetings, 15 points; promptness in handing in all reports, 10 points; exhibits at fair, 10 points; complete record and club history, 20 points; completion of aims set at October council meeting, 40 points.
       The sponsors also agreed upon factors to be considered next year in determining the banner club for 1932.
They are:
       (A)verage attendance of club members, attendance of delegates at council, attendance of club delegate at short course at A. and M., record of club work kept by secretary in secretary's work book, attainment of club aims by members, exhibits at fair, newspaper reports.
       Mrs. M. R. Krumnow of Perry, Mrs. W. D. Walker of Satin, Miss Eula Mae Willey of Cedar Springs and Miss Fay Mattheson of Travis were the sponsors who made out the scoring systems, with Mrs. Pat Carter of Lott as a visitor.
       Travis, Lott, Satin, Cedar Springs and Perry had 100 per cent representation at the meeting.  Council members expressed regret that representatives from Cego, Chilton, Mooreville adn Mustang clubs could not be present, but they were pleased neverthless to receive the regular council report from Mustang.
       Council members and visitors present were Louise Marie Riechler, Janie Munos, Erne Berninghaus and Mrs. M. R. Krumnow, Perry; Clara Mae Baxley, Jewel Moore, Hazel Campbell and Mrs. W. D. Walker, Satin; Hazel Carter, Lois Carter and Mrs. Pat Carter, Lott; Marietta Denton, Johnnie Radford, Finnie Wooten and Miss Eula Mae Willey of Cedar Springs, Ruth Peeler, Dorothea Hoelscher and Miss Fay Mattheson, Travis.


Permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her volunteers for printing by
The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas.